Monday, April 4, 2011

Salem to San Jose


The flight in was pretty uneventful (nothing really good happened)  But as we came up to the San Francisco area I leaned over the lady sitting in the window seat and snapped a photo.


Not much to see when you are up so high.  The bridge there is the Bay Bridge that leads to Oakland.  Kristian, Aron said that your bakery was somewhere in the middle.  Way over to the left in the middle you can kind of see Alcatraz, not so scary from up here.

Once at the airport I got all my big bags and loaded them into the car to go to the office.  I had to fill out some papers (I had to prove I was a US citizen).  And then I joined a tour of the company to learn about the 15 year history.  It was really a good way to start.  It’s great to see where the company has been and to see them appreciate where they are. 

Part of the tour included a trip outside to see the fleet of mini coopers and a fire truck that was once purchased for a trade show.

photo (1)

photo (2)

Sorry for the poor quality the sun was so bright in here California it was hard to take a good photo.  I’ll have to adjust to all this sunshine when taking pictures.  I’m so used to the overcast weather in Oregon. 

After that it was off to a warehouse outside of San Francisco to work on a the Interop network.  On the way up I got to see where they keep the Goodyear blimp when not visiting the many sporting events.

photo (3)

Aron told me that this building is so large that it can create it’s own weather.  Clouds have formed and it has rained in this building!

Once in the warehouse there are a bunch of people working to build a network that will host the traffic for all the booths at a trade show.

photo (4)

Most of these people come from all different companies and supply hardware from their companies.  The companies supply the people and equipment in exchange for advertisement.

Here is some of the equipment. 

photo (5)

I don’t know what will happen after we get done here.  It’ll be nice to get back to the hotel and get unpacked, all of my bags are packed inside of a mini cooper parked illegally outside.  I sure hope the car doesn’t get towed away :-/


  1. Hi Peter,
    Glad everything went well and that the sun was out to greet my two sons who left our lovely, but too rainy state.
    Beautiful picture from the sky by the way.
    Lots of love and good luck! MOM

  2. I'm excited for you guys, hope all goes well with the transition!

  3. Thanks Brad. It has been tough being away from the family but as I get to know the area a little better I see that there are so many neat things here for the kids and that they will love it.
